What we have here is a failure to communicate

Do you know that line from Cool Hand Luke?  My dad loves that movie, and I watched it many times growing up. I haven’t seen it in years, but I still count myself as a fan, too.

Anyway, I have been remiss in blogging. I said early on that I wasn’t sure I’d have the time.  That proved to be a valid concern.  But a lot has changed recently.  During the course of this year, my wife has endured knee surgery and a stroke (thankfully, she’s ok) and my job has changed fairly dramatically.

I realized recently that these events have, essentially, been answers to prayer. If you look back, you’ll see that last year I was pretty concerned about work-life balance.  It was tilted too far toward work.  God fixed that.  With the renewed focus on my wife’s health and the shift to a less overwhelming role at work, I am now able to devote more time to family and friends.  I am even hopeful I will be able to devote more time to ministry.

To be clear, I am not a vocational minister.  I simply mean I want to live my life in a way that responds to God’s leading to affect others for his glory.  For too long, I have hidden behind the excuse that I simply didn’t have enough time to reach out.  Now, I have more time – although still not a lot.  I pray for the wisdom to use it wisely.

That’s also why I’m trying to blog again.  I sat back and evaluated my gifts.  Although I know this can sound arrogant, arrogance is not my intent.  I am, however, confident in the gifts God has given me, including the ability to express interesting ideas through my writing.  I don’t expect to really add much to the discussions out there or change the world by putting in my two cents, but I also don’t think I’m doing justice to the use of what I perceive my gifts to be if I put them in a box entitled “Work Only” and leave them on a shelf.  So, here I am.

If anyone is reading, thank you.  I look forward to this adventure together.

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